A decade of educational and career decision-making
Today as I reflect upon the past decade from 2010 to 2020, I realise that so many educational and career decisions have been made in my family alone, not to mention all of the various career and education decision-making that I have supported in my professional practice. I have two now adult daughters, both of […]
Is it too late for a year 12 student to apply for a university or TAFE course for 2020?
What if your child hasn’t applied for a university or TAFE course for 2020? Is it too late to apply? The short answer is a resounding NO! Have a look at the quick reference table published by the admissions centre, VTAC. That’s the good news. The bad news is that they have missed out […]
When will my year 12 child receive his 2020 course offer?
Dear year 12s, may I be the first to congratulate you on completing your VCE, VCE(VET) or IB exams! Well done for surviving this period of intense study. I’d also like to congratulate your parents. Parents of year 12s; bravo! Now what? Sure, there’s Schoolies. Sorry parents of year 12s, that was uncalled-for. But […]
Career Coaching, Is it different to other coaching services?
As I hit my 6 year anniversary of private and professional career coaching practice, I am keen to reflect, and also to communicate the distinctions between career coaching and other coaching services, such as life coaching, that you might find on the internet. In reflection I have experienced wonderful success with my clients and I’m […]
Parents – career education should start in primary school.
Research is showing that parents are keen for their children to receive career education in primary school and that learning about careers is proving beneficial to children as young as 6 years of age. My immediate thought, when I heard about this, was that Mattel has got it right in creating their new range of […]
What do I look for in a career coach for my child?
The question that I’m addressing in this blog is around what information parents need when looking for career coaching for their child? There are so many businesses now calling themselves career consultants, career coaches, career counsellors, how can a parent make the right decision? As a parent of young adult daughters myself, whom I’ve supported […]
Why is year 9 such a difficult school year?
I read in The Age, on 29th august, that “Year 9 is (the) toughest time for students.” It’s being reported elsewhere too and is a discussion topic among teaching staff. So why is year 9 such as difficult school year and is there a light on the horizon? Many parents wonder why their child is […]
How do you decide on your VTAC preferences?
This is the time to decide on your VTAC preferences if you are applying for tertiary courses in 2020. This applies to both year 12 and non year 12 applicants. So, how do you decide on your VTAC preferences? And how important is it to get your preferences in order? A lot of applicants are […]
How careers aptitudes and interests tests can help school students
I am using a few careers aptitudes and interests tests with school age students, as well as with young adults post-secondary education. Career coaching is not the same as it was in the early 20th century. Vocational advisory services used to suppose that the advisor was all-knowing and could, therefore “test and tell” the client. […]