
VCE English Exam

The VCE English exam is all done for 2017. Well done, year 12s! I hope you’re feeling proud of yourselves for completing your studies and relieved that the exam period has finally begun. Getting the English exam out of the way is fantastic. It’s the one exam that all year 12s have to sit, and […]

Stress and Anxiety in Year 12

In my career coaching practice I see many year 12 students who are experiencing stress and anxiety. This is not a reflection upon 2017 clients – stress and anxiety has been a common theme for clients of all ages throughout my years as a private career coach. What is concerning for me as a career […]

What are STEM subjects and Soft Skills?

What are STEM subjects and Soft skills? These are the buzz words being used in careers. Everyone is talking about STEM subjects and soft skills, etc – the trouble is, do we know what these are and why they are related? Also, do we know how to communicate them to a prospective employer, or recruiter? […]

Should you accept an internship?

I have been asked by parents and students, “should you accept an internship?” many times over the past few years. Internships are being used as training grounds by many organisations, and many young adults and their parents are concerned about the fairness of these schemes. The reality is that internships are a fact of working […]

Unemployment is humiliating. Parents fear their children missing out on jobs.

Unemployment and underemployment is humiliating in a consumer society. These were the wise words of Zigmunt Bauman. Bauman wrote of our fear of losing a step on the ladder to middle-class, and it is fair to say that many parents are in real fear for their children because of Foundation for Young Australians statistics on […]

Parents worry their kids will be worse off than they are.

Are you one of the 7 in 10 parents who worries that their kids will be worse off than they are? That’s 70% of you! According to journalist Eryk Bagshaw, “we’re a miserable lot” in Australia. More pessimistic than many other nationalities, with “negative sentiment (surging) by 16% in the past 4 years”.(Bagshaw, 2017, The […]

Courses, Open Days, and How to enrol

In year 12 our children are expected to make decisions about courses, to attend Open Days and know how to enrol, usually through VTAC, in higher education courses. That’s a lot to do when they’re busy studying for SACs, doing their VCEs, IB, VET or VCAL subjects. Parents, did you know how to do all […]

Careers Coaching for Students: How will the Federal Budget impact your Child?

Careers coaching can support students and parents at times of change. The Federal Budget is one such time of uncertainty. So briefly to highlight the key changes with respect to education: Schools An additional $18.6 bn over 10 years (needs-based, so some schools will benefit, others will lose out). Universities – subject to a 2.5% […]

Best tertiary courses for job outcomes and career success

Are you looking for the best tertiary courses for your child? The courses that offer the best job outcomes and careers success? Of course you are! That’s what all parents want for their young job seeker. In year 10 your child is asked what subjects they want to study. In years 11 and 12 they […]