Personality Tests
I thoroughly agree with the argument in this article, published in The Conversation, regarding the results of personality tests. I do use careers inventories, however I find that they are useful as a conversation starter and as a way in which to allow a student to being to think about their preferences. For example, you […]
Tertiary Deregulation in Australia
The issue of government deregulation of tertiary fees is now a topic of concern and conversation in our community. We will not know whether the Senate will pass this bill, in full, until October. So watch this space! The discussion around possible deregulation of tertiary fees is speculative. If this goes ahead it is possible […]
Text-messaging isn’t, like, ruining young people’s grammar
I’m reblogging an article that I saw in The Conversation this weekend. I am guilty of worrying about my daughters’ use of unconventional abbreviation of words when they’re texting, however it did not occur to me that this might translate into poor spelling or a lack of adherence to grammatical conventions in their academic essays. […]
Correction from ‘The Conversation’ re Student Loans
Academic rigour, journalistic flair Today’s newsletter sponsored by the C20 Summit. Melbourne 2014. EDITOR’S NOTE Yesterday we removed two articles from our website: “Modelling shows more students face lifetime debt under deregulated fees” and “Students could be in debt for the rest of their lives”.Both were removed due to a significant error in the modelling on […]
Modelling shows more students face lifetime debt under deregulated fees
Here’s a report from The Conversation highlighting the likely outcomes of the Federal Government’s proposals regarding educational funding in Australia. Interestingly it is believed that such changes may initiate some investigation on the part of students and parents, into international university courses as these become more financially competitive. Watch this space. Debtors prison: under the […]
Wondering where your Degree might lead you?
Career development is not as simple as it might seem. Here’s an alternative way to look at your career. I have reblogged this resource from Adventures in Career Coaching. Thanks to Tristram Hooley for sharing. Retrieved from:
All in the name of progress
As a school girl I never closely questioned how cultures were brought together on the basis of their relative usefulness. Nor did I consider for long the 1960s tragedy of a small Welsh village being dammed for the sake of infrastructure development. There wasn’t a subject in the school curriculum that allowed space for a […]
The F Word
The F word. Failure. It’s a word that needs to be banished from our language! I am reliably informed, although I’m having to listen carefully to work out the lyrics, that the song by Martin Sexton (You Tube Video attached) is about failing at something and going on to fulfil a long-held dream of being […]
Mothers in the Boardroom
Mothers in the Boardroom. Heres’ a link that might interest professional young working women; also mothers in the workforce who aspire to the top chair; fathers who are supporting their spouses ambitions, and professionals who are interested in how to provide career progression opportunities for women.