Student Career Coaching

Many young people feel a lack of clarity around their career direction, leading to anxiety about the future and aimless course-hopping – potentially building debt for courses they don’t finish. Others have big dreams, but are overwhelmed by an avalanche of confusing course requirements, complex application procedures and the choice of work opportunities.

Karen’s Approach

Working individually with students to empower young people to take charge of their own career development, using specialist resources promotes self-knowledge, confidence and practical know-how. Karen’s experience working closely with high school students allows her to offer a unique approach to career coaching for youth.
Karen will carry out a one-on-one session with your child, safe in the knowledge that the professional ethics of the governing bodies of the CEAV and CDAA are adhered to. Just as a tutor might work with your child in private, allowing them to concentrate and learn, Karen’s career coaching follows this effective methodology.
Karen pinpoints a student’s key interests and skills to help identify a range of motivating and fulfilling career opportunities. From there, Karen gives students guidance on potential study pathways, volunteering opportunities and work experience. Karen and the student agree to a practical and detailed career action plan to implement to help them to work towards their career goal.


You can learn more about Karen’s process here.

Case Study

In 2018, a 19-year-old student came to Karen looking for coaching support, as his chosen degree was not at all what he expected it to be. He had deferred from the course halfway through semester two of the first year, as he felt disengaged and was not attending classes or completing any assignments. He had barely passed his first semester.

After listening to his issues, as well as gaining an outline of his aptitudes, VCE subjects and grades, Karen and the client began exploring an alternative study path. He applied for a course of interest, was accepted and has recently reported to Karen that he is thoroughly enjoying the new program.