
How to Apply to an American Performing Arts College

  In Year 10 my daughter, Holly said she wanted to apply to study at an American Performing Arts College. Her school based Career Practitioner said nothing and simply drew “$$$$” on her careers planner. Aside of the fact that the careers practitioner was, by doing this, making a values judgement upon my daughter’s dream, […]

VCE VET Subject Selection.

  At this time of the year, year 10s come home from their respective schools with the VCE VET Subject Selection Guide. A nicely bound A4 booklet brimming with details of all of the things they can learn in years 11 and 12. Some schools offer the International Baccalaureate (IB), and so there’ll be another […]

Are you ready for your ATAR?

On Monday 16th December secondary school students around Victoria, Australia will receive their Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) results and ATAR Score. If you happen to be reading this blog in other part of the world, you will be wondering what this is all about. Clearly it is something to do with an important qualification, but when […]