Karen Lomas
January 9, 2015

Work Experience Placement



Boy-ConfusedGoing back to high school after the long Summer holidays brings on thoughts of having to get up in the morning, wondering if something  has been growing in the bottom of your schoolbag, and whether your mum is going to have to move the hem on your shorts/skirt (first day back detention on a 40 degree day is not cool in any way shape or form!)

Actually, it’s often mum, or one of the parents, who has a few things to do, such as putting name labels in the new jumper and the elusive socks. But one thing that’s definitely coming in the parent’s direction is the much needed support in finding a Work Experience Placement. That is just way to hard to contemplate, and the Careers Teacher has already started emailing with the date and the threat of some dire activity, in-school that week, like helping in the Kinder class, or sweeping the car park, if you don’t sort out a job. Mum/Dad doesn’t know it yet, but out of the blue, in week 7, proper panic starts – oh yes, Work Experience!

So if this sounds familiar, you might want to contact Karen your Career Coach, for help with your Resume, Cover Letter, Telephone Enquiry and Interview Skills, How to Search the Web, How to Access your Local Network, How to Complete your Safe @ Work Certificate.

There a hundreds if not thousands of students seeking a Work Experience Placement and not all employers will have a formalised program, whereby you will receive a good quality placement. Even the employers who are well organised are often reluctant to take on more than one student per academic year, and for some their busiest business activity will clash with your school’s program week.

It is essential to start your search early and if you are leaning on your parents to do all of the work, consider that you will be missing out on learning the skills yourself. Parents, as tempting as it might be to be the helicopter mum or dad, hovering and taking control, the more that a year 9-10 student can learn about the process of job searching, the more independent and resourceful he/she will be when it comes to finding work in the future.

Confused Schoolboy Writing courtesy of Stock Images


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